Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Candles, scents and feeling chillaxed.

I have noticed it has been months and months since I last posted anything. Things have been hectic and I'm taking online classes so, by the time I'm done with my studies I really don't feel like puting more time into the computer. The lastest news with us is Willie got his new job. He starts school in Maryland in 2 weeks. He will be gone for 2 months. Then he is going to school in Arizona for 1 1/2 months. We don't know where he is going after that. I hope we find out soon after he starts school. I am planning on moving to utah in december sometime. I will probably try to move by christmas. I've been a little worried about how I'm going to manage this move financially and physically. I've done a huge clean out of my house and garage, so basically what's left is what we're going to keep. Although I will probably have to get rid of alot more of the bigger stuff since Im not able to get my own place straight away. I think it will all work out but Im still worried.

I have scented candles burning right now and the kids are asleep so Im sitting hear in peace with lovely scents around me ;).

I'm tired so I'm going to bed.