So I will be 38 weeks tomorrow. I have had lots of contractions all over the place but nothing consistent. This is very new to me. Before once I started contractions it was time to go in the hospital. Oh well. Im thinking maybe, just maybe this will help when the time comes. I'm so excited for Aiden to get here. It's tough being so pregnant because a lot of things are "on hold" because it's just too hard to do anything. I am excited about feeling like cleaning is important again hahahha. I have been such a slacker in the cleaning department with this pregnancy. I must be in the "nesting" stage. Although it is not like the nesting I went through with both kids. When I was pregnant with Mana I painted a room hahahaha. I probably shouldnt have done that but I did. Then with Victoria I was cleaning like crazy. This time however it hasn't been until recently that I am constantly thinking about cleaning.
We are all ready for him to come. The carseat and stroller etc etc. My wishful thinking is that I go into full blown labor right after Mana gets on the school bus and then I have the baby by the time he comes home from school. hahahahaa. That would be great. But I know that won't happen. Or if I have him in the beginning of the weekend then that would be great too. We shall see.
On a side note. We went to Florida a little over a week ago. We saw a lot of Willie's aunts, uncles and Willie's moms grandkids. It was a lot of fun chatting and meeting together. We took Moses with us. He did very well and didn't pee or poop anywhere he wasn't supposed to. So that was great. We also got to have the boys for most of the weekend which was a joy. We are hoping they will be able to come see us for Christmas. If so this will be the first Christmas with all of us together. I'm so excited for the holiday season coming up.
Not much else really is going on.