Since we have moved into our house we have wanted hardwood laminate downstairs. We had someone come out to do an estimate and the price was
astronomical. We could have bought a new vehicle with that kind of money. So we waited. Then we decided to go to
Lowe's and check them out. Pricing for materials wasn't too bad so we opted to go with having them install as well. I wanted to try and be awesome and do the floors
ourselves but that probably would have taken us a very long time and it just didn't work out for us to do that.
So yesterday after
waiting about 2 weeks for all our supplies to come in, the installers came to the house about 10 minutes to 10 and started
working. So this is the before.....
ok just kidding. i will have to do it later. my computer doesnt feel like puting my pictures up argggghhhhh...... (me with annoyed voice)