Victoria and Aiden like to wear mammas shoes :) I'm hoping Aiden will move past this stage. Im worried he will hurt himself because he goes for the highest heals possible.
Aiden trying to say cheese. Look at all his teeth.
Aiden so happy after finding all his eggs.
Victoria is always such a great help with Aiden. She wanted to make sure he would find all of his eggs.
This is a common expression on Victoria's face :) She is telling me something very important.
Tuimana emptying all his eggs. Yummy!
This is a common expression on Aiden's face hahaha Cheeky boy!
This is a common expression on Tuimana's face. I love his natural smile.
So sweet. It's great when the kids get along.
Aiden found an egg. So excited to to find the eggs.
Aiden trying to figure out where those eggs are.
Tuimana finding something other than an egg. Hmmmmm....
Victoria so excited for the hunt.
I love that Tuimana put on flip flops to go Easter egg hunting.
The nicest picture I got of the kids together. And look mamma and dad are on the wall in the background too hahaha.
Right before the hunt.
This is what Victoria gets up to when she has the camera. Toothless smiles all around.
This is what I get to see outside my window.
Aiden is always trying to hitch a ride.
Victoria had a girls slumber party at aunty's house. They painted their toe nails and.......
their finger nails.... Victoria had so much fun.
Aiden when he smiles. That dummy is always attached to this boy.
oops a duplicate.

This picture is cool. It looks like Willie is a ghost in the background.

Victoria half way done with straightening her hair. She loves her hair and loves coming up with different ways to do her hair. It didn't take too long and it was a lot of fun.
The finished product. Here in NC it is very humid so it is really hard to keep her hair really straight, so this is as close as its going to get :) I love her toothless smile hahaha.
Tuimana and Victoria with crazy hair hahahaha. They are still cute.
Victoria is always trying to play "mamma" and Aiden won't have anything to do with it hahaha.
Victoria got an award at school for perfect attendance. That was quite a surprise for her dad and I. We though she had missed a few days of school just because Tuimana was sick and missed some school. So well done Victoria :) Couldn't get her to smile though.

Tuimana will be 11 in just two months which is crazy. I can't believe so much time has passed.
Tuimana will be 11 in just two months which is crazy. I can't believe so much time has passed.
OH my goodness, Melisa!!!! Your kids are so big, and so beautiful, and these pictures are so fun! I love the one of Aiden and Victoria. Big sisters are so helpful. :) And I love Victoria's face when she's telling you something important! That's the same face Miaya has when she tells me important things. I love it. And Tuimana is a very handsome young man! Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter. We love you heaps! Great post.
Oh! and I also love that you have a forest at the back of your yard! Do deer come and wander through. ;)
great pictures! i love that your kids have so much character and that it shows up in pictures, so fun! i liked the ones with the common facial expressions the best! they are so sweet :D
I have a wooded area behind our backyard. I havent seen any deer but I do see squirrels hahaha. I do have some characters for children that is true :)
WOW!!~~~!! SO BIG!!! they are all so much bigger and older!!! Crazy!!!
So Cute! and Beautiful, and handsome! and Gorgeous! Awesome Pictures! Great Post! you may not have posted in like a year, but that post makes up for it XD
looking at your yard I was wondering, are you guys allowed to grow things? have a garden? It would be totally awesome!
LOVE!!! HUGS!! AND KISSES!! from Melanie!! in Calgary!!~!
(cant wait to see you guys again!!!)
We can have a garden! I think as long as it's kept nice and stuff. I would like a garden however Im trying to think when I should do it. I have thought about having a box garden that way I could probably manage it hahaha! Can't wait to see you and everyone else too. Summer is speedily approaching yay!
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