I just have to say I love having a little girl. Once upon a time I used to think all I wanted was boys. Well since I've had my little girl I have had a blast getting to know her and actually doing things together that we both like to do. She is only 3 but she's a great shopping companion. She helps me choose shirts and dresses and points out which colors she likes. She also loves looking at jewelry(mostly earings) and shoes. She actually has certain shoes she likes and some not so much. Its so funny. She has he own sense of style and shows it off by choosing her own outfits daily. She also likes deciding what baubles will go in her hair. Don't get me wrong I don't buy everything she says she likes but it's fun to have those little moments where we talk about why something looks nice or why it doesn't.
I also have to say she holds her own when it comes to her brothers. She is half their size but she stands her ground and argues like the rest of them. Of course this drives me nuts because it can go on and on if I let it, but it's good to know she won't let anyone step all over her no matter how big they are.
i love this crazy girl she's my hero :)
I love having a girl too. Well of course I love both but I am so excited to decorate her room and all that stuff. Victoria is a smart cookie and I am glad she is learning early to stick up for herself especially with boys around. Go Victoria.
Amma's kind of girl haha
Girls are great. I should know haha.
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