Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pretty Lake


One pic I took when we went for a walk around the lake by our house in July.
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MiriamR said...

This is by your house? It looks so beautiful and serene. I love your new photo collage! Its so cool!

Unknown said...

I love it! How great to have something so lovely so close to your house. :D I too love the collage. How do you guys do that. I also love the whole new layout. lovely lovely

Wiley Family said...

I got the collage from my photo software. It's called picassa and it's free. U can do all sorts of photo shop type stuff. I used this software for one of my courses. I like that little lake. Victoria thinks there are crocs in there :) there are Lilly pad with flowers that bloom. It's pretty.

Hera said...

How lovely. I would like to have a print of this to put on my wall.
Your page is so beautiful

MoBo said...

This is Picture is Great, is that a Bridge thing? that is so Cool, looks like a wonderful place to take a wlk and sit and contemplate the many wonders of the world

I LoVE the collage! All those pictures in it are Awesome, are they up anywhere? How Do you Guys make all your blogs so pimpin, Like the Sunflowers?!?! I'm sure its something thats sillily simple and obvious, but for the life of me I Dont know how to do it hahaha Oh welll