Miriam, I don't have a lot of shoes anymore but I will be working on slowly building my collection up again. hehehe. shoes are a great way to express your individualism. Im actually surprised they are still on the show rack because Victoria keeps pulling them out to walk around in :). She is developing a fascination for shoes like her mamma hahahaha. Looks like I need another shoe rack to put more of willies shoes on. Yes willie has more shoes than I do. If you notice his boots and other shoes are on the top shelf. He has like 6 pairs of boots and he never throws them out once he buys new boots. They are heavy and stinky hehehehe. Also this is willies side of the closet.
This is my side although willie's pants are on the top shelf.
This is my tie holder. I need another one because I just found a bunch of belts in my dresser. It's very handy and keeps things simple and compact. I think Im going to have one as his and one as hers :)
Here's another pic of the shoe racks. They are two shoe racks combined into one. Victoria wouldn't move so that explains this pic. This is what she looks like when Im lazy and don't do her hair lol.
Awsome! It looks so tidy and organized. That is a lot of shoes for Willie. HA ha daniel hates to throw clothes and shoes away he would keep them forever if we didn't do such a big move. I love it all! Where did you get your shoes racks? I need some.
Miriam I got those shoe racks from ross. They were around $6 each. I have tried the metals one before and I just dont like them. I also didnt want a shoe rack holder thing on the door. To me that is cluttered and I would be thinking about it too much hahahah Im crazy what can I say.
LoL Vistoria has got a Fro!!!! that is so great, to me anyways, I dont have to do it, or have it, I just get to look at it hahaha Your closet is so orderly, That is what I attain to hehehe
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