Im also blessed to have the children I have. They are pretty considerate and mindful on the days I don't feel well. Both of them at one time or another have patted me on the back and told me everything was going to be ok. Those are the moments when I feel my heavenly father's present the most because the little pats truly remind me that everything will be ok.
I do feel bad though because my kids shouldn't have to worry about their mamma just yet. Thats supposed to happen when they are grown ups. hahaha.
We all have our weaknesses and trials in life and I strive to endure them well. Im not quite there but perhaps one day I will be.
Today I feel great, I did have some pain in my head, but it is only a small annoyance. The rain has been falling so gently today, I love it. It's like a mist. No wonder this place is so beautiful and green with all the wonderful rain we get. I love the fall and Halloween and all the great holidays that follow. There's just a special spirit this time of year for me.
Oh yeah here's a random question. Does anyone know of a good at home preschool program? I want to start doing at home preschool with victoria. I feel she is ready for learning school type things.
Here are some old pics from when we were in Utah. Enjoy!!
Oh those pictures make me miss being together! Sorry for your migrains those are worse than ANYTHING! That is so cute that they pat you on the back and tell you its going to be ok. I can just imagine the joy that would bring just to see them do it. I love the Holidays too I can feel the happy feelings flowing in with the cold. YAY.
Your children do the same you did for me when I was not feeling well.
I don´t know any programs but stores have books and then just do research online to see what is on offer.
Lets see, I dunno about the school thing... Shes three huh? hmm I'll Pretend to research hehehe
Is there snow in North Carolina? What are you guys doing for Christmas?????????? I cant imagine nausea migranes, Mer thykir thad leitt, I think? hehe I dont like how english speakers say I'm sorry, Like how Jace feels in The Immortal instruments, I think there is somehting lost in translation from heart to English Language
I am bold enough among many others to state that there is now a potent cure to this sickness but many are unaware of it. I discovered that I was infected with the virus 3 months ago, after a medical check-up. My doctor told me and I was shocked, confused and felt like my world had crumbled. I was dying slowly due to the announcement of my medical practitioner but he assured me that I could leave a normal life if I took my medications (as there was no medically known cure to Herpes). I went from churches to churches but soon found that my case needed urgent attention as I was growing lean due to fear of dying anytime soon. In a bid to look for a lasting solution to my predicament, I sought for solutions from the herbal world. I went online and searched for every powerful trado-medical practitioner that I could severe, cos I heard that the African Herbs had a cure for Herpes syndrome. It was after a little time searching the web that I came across one Dr Itua herbal treatment (A powerful African Herbal Doctor), who offered to help me at a monetary fee. I had to comply as this was my final bus-stop to receiving a perfect healing. My last resolve was to take my life by myself, should this plan fail. At last it worked out well. He gave me some steps to follow and I meticulously carried out all his instructions. Last month, to be precise, I went back to the hospital to conduct another test and to my amazement, the results showed that negative,Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Desease…Cancer,Hiv,Herpes,Shingles, Hepatitis B,Liver Inflammatory,Diabetes,Fibroid,Parkinson's,Alzheimer’s disease,You can free yourself of this Herpes virus by consulting this great African Herbal Doctor via this email: He will help you and his herb medication is sure. he has the cure on all disease .You can talk to me on INSTAGRAM..tashamoore219.
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