So we are in Florida this holiday weekend. Willies mom had another "mini" stroke last week and was hospitalized fir the while week. Thankfully she was discharged on Friday. She is in high spirits and is doing better. Her memory is pretty good. She even remembers mana's name. Which is funny because she always called him Dewey-Monday LOL. She never could pronounce Tuimana :). That was awesome to hear Dewey-monday hahaha. She really lives her "babies" which are her grandkids, and no one better mess with them or she will whoop 'em . Hahahahaha victoria had come out of one of the rooms crying today saying aunty had hurt her. Sidenote: that's not right. Victoria was jumping on the bed (big no no) she fell and hurt herself and aunty rubbed her back to see if she was ok. Victoria some how I interpretted that as aunty hurting her. Anyway nana ( my mom inlaw) got upset because v was crying and told her to tell aunty not to hurt her or she would whoop her. She was serious too. Nana is very protective of her babies. She tells us to be nice to the babies whenever we try to discipline the kids.
So for the next month we are having our nephew dj stay with us. Victoria is staying in Florida with her uncle dwayne and aunty Krystal. This should be really interesting to say the least. We also found out today that the boys will be staying with us or a month this summer. We are really excited for this very full summer.
Endure to the end we must, for our goal is eternal life in the presence of our Father in Heaven. ~President Thomas S. Monson~
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
So I was online today paying bills and just window shopping online. Well I checked our bank account and found 2 charges for a flower delivery company. I thought ok the first one is for my mom in law and the second must be for me. I wonder if willie thought I would check our account before this weekend came up. Yeah Im not going to say anything to willie because that would be mean. I will act very surprised. I like flowers.
I also wanted to say Im so proud of Mana. He is already doing better in school. I got his spelling test today and he only got two wrong. He also finished all of his school work without having the teacher on him the whole time. I promised Mana a little treat if he would do well on his test. He is very excited to get a treat. Im going to let him pick what kind of plant he wants to start growing.
Oh and the RS presidency came by today with a little plant and some banana bread (which was so delicious). Im so excited for the plant. Its just a small plant but I love it. Im excited to watch it grow.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mana's better
Well thankfully Mana has recovered for the most part. He hasn't had a fever for about 2 days so thats a good thing. His cough is even getting better. So I went and saw Mana's teacher today and I was there for 1 hour. That was a very long hour. I didn' t know teachers met with parents for so long. The whole time I had a nasty expression on my face ( I have some mean angry faces ask willie hahahaha) but that didn't phase her. She just talked and talked and talked and talked. We didn't get very much accomplished. She did realize that she hadn't sent home any letters or notes notifying me of what's going on with some areas like spelling homework and reading. I also found out that Mana's class is comprised of kids who have behavioral issues. Which is bizarre because thats one thing she said Mana has no problem with. He has never spoken back or given attitude to any of his teachers. Oh and I asked about summer school and apparently that might not do it this year because of lack of funding. NC has already cut teachers pays since this recession crap. So yeah I'm trying to get Mana to keep and journal. I'm hoping this will help his writing, spelling and organizing his thoughts to paper. I don't think he likes it very much. It funny, Mana remembers a lot of random things about trips and people and places we have been. He even remembers what year and his age and stuff, but he doesn't remember what he did at school. LOL Hopefully my new plan I have will work. Im also trying to find things he likes to do and then have him write about what we just did.
Thanks to Meleofa and Dustin for introducing him to plants etc he really wants to grow some stuff so Im thinkiing I will take the kids to a nursery and get some seeds, pots etc and grow them on our porch. I know both kids really loved planting with Meleofa and Dustin.
Miriam you crack me up about the bug thing. We have mosquitoes which was horrible the other night. Victoria had opened the porch door during the day and I didn't know she had done that and 3 mosquitoes came into the house and ended up in my room and bit me all night. I finally found them and killed those suckers hahahahaha. bugs are sooooo gross.
Thanks to Meleofa and Dustin for introducing him to plants etc he really wants to grow some stuff so Im thinkiing I will take the kids to a nursery and get some seeds, pots etc and grow them on our porch. I know both kids really loved planting with Meleofa and Dustin.
Miriam you crack me up about the bug thing. We have mosquitoes which was horrible the other night. Victoria had opened the porch door during the day and I didn't know she had done that and 3 mosquitoes came into the house and ended up in my room and bit me all night. I finally found them and killed those suckers hahahahaha. bugs are sooooo gross.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Are there any blogs I need to know about.
Hey family members. I was wondering if there are any blogs of other family and friends that I don't have. Like letes. I dont remember who has hers on there page. Is anyone else getting sick ? I'm taking mana to the dr tomorrow. Im so paranoid about his sickness, and plus Willie is all getting on me about not taking him today. He gets so worried. What a good dad hahahaha
Just wanted to add.
I read through my post and I made a lot of spelling and gramar errors. Sorry about that. I also wanted to add times always seem to be harder when Willie isn't here and that sucks too. He is getting worked to the bone in Louisianna. Apparently the Army thinks he is still in the military and they somehow have some sort of authority over him. LOL. Im such a baby hehehehe. Mana really is sick with some sort of flu. Not very good timing considering everything else that going around. Enough with all that how are you you doing? :)
Mana's new school
Im so annoyed right now. Mana's teacher sent a note home last week saying she needs to talk to me. No specifics. I sent a note back to her the next day telling her I would love to meet up with her and for her to call me. Well supposedly she has been trying to call me all week (i dont believe her) She wrote me another note saying he just sits there all day and doesnt do his work. I got angry and grilled mana. He said he gets distracted by other classmates. In the meantime I called the school a few times and she was either not there or too busy. I finally got a hold of her today. In all honestly I thought she was going to say he has had a hard time with reading or math or something like that. Nope, she had a probably with his organization skills or lack there of. Mind you mana is in 2nd grade. How much organization is required of a 2nd grader. Then she went on to say she is constantly having to talk to him and tell him time and time again to do his assignment and then he just sits there. After about 5 minutes straight of her just talking I asked her what can I do to help him, she said well I don't know but it is my responsibility to let you know whats going on. I then asked about testing for learning disabilities. She proceeded to tell me that that would basically be a waste of time. It takes months and months of meetings with counselors, teachers, principals etc before they will come to a decision on whether or not he will even be tested then it takes some more months for the testing process. This is so stupid. So basically we would be lucky if he got tested by the time 4th grade comes around. What a stupid system. how on earth is this helping a child in neeed. I am meeting with her on wednesday so she can go over with me mana's schedule. This is about 3 weeks too late in my opinion. he only has about 25 days of school left. I have no idea how to help my son and it makes me so sad and frustrated. I really thought she was going to say he is having a hard time with specific topics not go on and on about how he just sits there. In all honesty she didn't sound like a kind compassionate teacher. This sucks. I just hope I can find some other resources to help him. well thats about it, i dont feel better at all. On top of all of that Mana is sick. H got sick this weekend and Im worried about that too. argggggg.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Some more pics of where we live.
Per Maliana's request I have some pics of the outside of our place. Now let me start by explaining the layout of our place. We live in a tri level apartment/townhouse. On the main floor we have our entrance then you go up some stairs (lots and lots of stairs, thankfully we had movers or I would have died moving that furniture LOL) on the main floor are two bedroms and two baths. We also have our kithen, dining area and living room. It's all very open and has high ceilings. Oh yeah we have a porch on the main floor too. On the 3rd floor we have the kids area. A big bedroom and their bathroom. so yeah thats our place. We have 3 direct neighboring apartments that "touch" our place but amazingly enough we hardly every hear anything from them. I wonder how much they hear from us hehehehe. Well thats a little description of our place.
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