Monday, May 4, 2009

Mana's new school

Im so annoyed right now. Mana's teacher sent a note home last week saying she needs to talk to me. No specifics. I sent a note back to her the next day telling her I would love to meet up with her and for her to call me. Well supposedly she has been trying to call me all week (i dont believe her) She wrote me another note saying he just sits there all day and doesnt do his work. I got angry and grilled mana. He said he gets distracted by other classmates. In the meantime I called the school a few times and she was either not there or too busy. I finally got a hold of her today. In all honestly I thought she was going to say he has had a hard time with reading or math or something like that. Nope, she had a probably with his organization skills or lack there of. Mind you mana is in 2nd grade. How much organization is required of a 2nd grader. Then she went on to say she is constantly having to talk to him and tell him time and time again to do his assignment and then he just sits there. After about 5 minutes straight of her just talking I asked her what can I do to help him, she said well I don't know but it is my responsibility to let you know whats going on. I then asked about testing for learning disabilities. She proceeded to tell me that that would basically be a waste of time. It takes months and months of meetings with counselors, teachers, principals etc before they will come to a decision on whether or not he will even be tested then it takes some more months for the testing process. This is so stupid. So basically we would be lucky if he got tested by the time 4th grade comes around. What a stupid system. how on earth is this helping a child in neeed. I am meeting with her on wednesday so she can go over with me mana's schedule. This is about 3 weeks too late in my opinion. he only has about 25 days of school left. I have no idea how to help my son and it makes me so sad and frustrated. I really thought she was going to say he is having a hard time with specific topics not go on and on about how he just sits there. In all honesty she didn't sound like a kind compassionate teacher. This sucks. I just hope I can find some other resources to help him. well thats about it, i dont feel better at all. On top of all of that Mana is sick. H got sick this weekend and Im worried about that too. argggggg.


MiriamR said...

I think most teachers in the public school system lack caring. Maybe you can just help him a bit more at home so that you can see what he does if he really does have issues with anything. Is it reading or math or is she not really paying attention to her students to see whats wrong. He is still pretty new there so maybe he doesn't know what he is supposed to do and she doesn't help him know what he is supposed to do. The systems are all so different. I bet its mostly change affecting him.
That really sucks that his teacher sucks. Hopefully next year he will get a better one.

If its reading problems I hear the Tag reading systems are pretty good to help because they are so interactive. You can get them at walmart or any toy store.

I agree that 2nd graders shouldn't be required to have organizational skills yet. College students don't even always have these skills.

Maliana said...

that makes me so mad! i cant even believe that she's even mentioning organization skills when he's obviously having a hard time learning or doing his work, ughhh talk about skewed priorities and putting programs before people public school makes me mad sometimes...

Wiley Family said...

You guys are awesome. Thanks for the words hahahaha now i dont feel like im a loonie toon. It was awesome too because Willie got so mad when I told him. hahahaha. We shall see what happens :)

Hera said...

Well!!! Like Lucy says hehe. I would demand from the teacher that she tell you specifics and let her know he has been fine in other schools. If that does not work just tell her you will go to her superiors. That is what I did. The teachers think most parents are stupid. She has no right whatsoever to speak to you that way. I have had a few run ins with teachers all over the world. I also let them know I have been in many school systems and see how things are done. Perhaps he was also just been getting sick. Keep him home for the sickness and see if the move has been very difficult for him. He needs a lot of support now. Kids know when teachers don't try to show much concideration. Just tell the teacher too perhaps that he does not understand what she is saying.
Get a different teacher next year or a different school. Snarbilad folk.

Unknown said...

Seriously. She sounds like she doens't really care about Mana in particular, but maybe not at all. How frustrated you must be. She sounds like she is obstinately unwilling to help you. Or offer anything helpful at all. Ridiculous.

MoBo said...

She Sounds like a bit of a silly Teacher for young children. What the heck is this organization skills issue? He wont put the glue away???? WHAA???? ok this teacher is really stupid sounding, Why is she trying to Disuade you from having your child tested for learning disabilitieS?!?!?!?! As a Former sufferer I am Outraged, Stupid stupid stupid stupid Stupid lady She sounds lazy to me, unwilling to put much more effort than complaining to the parents about odd things, adn she didnt even tell you anything worth hearing! pishaw, you should complain. A teacher should at least Have some Relevant information to give the parents, What a Mofo, did she factor in the NEW SCHOOL, and new everything, she sounds dumb, I am seething and complainging alot, sorrry. Poor Mana