Sunday, January 10, 2010

Updates and whatever.

So I always think I just posted but I realize I haven't just posted anything. Christmas went well for us. We went to a family in the ward's house on Christmas Eve. It was fun to talk with different people that weren't just kids. We opened presents on Christmas morning with Willie watching on the webcam. It was great fun to be able to do that.

New Year's Eve we went to another family's house and played games. That was fun too but it reminded me that I am very different from people. My sense of humor is different and hobbies and such are different too. But I am similar in the way of the Gospel. It's amazing how many different types of people can all come together with that. I think it's great and I appreciate living in an area where there are so many active members who are service oriented.

I put up Christmas stuff on the 7th. I organized some things around the house. I cleaned cleaned and cleaned. It's what keeps me sane. We are moving in march for sure. Whether we move into our own home or another rental remains to be seen. I really hope everything goes smoothly to buy a home. Won't know if we don't try right?? I am so happy that Willie has agreed to have movers come pack up our stuff hahahaha. I don't mind packing the stuff, it's the moving part I can't stand.

Willie will be home in a few weeks which is so exciting. Victoria is so excited she keeps talking about how we are going to do all these things when he comes home. I can't believe it's almost been 6 months. At times it feels like time has past by so fast but then I look at the kids and realize how much they have grown in the time he has gone and I see that time hasn't really flown by. Still I'm excited to have him home for a little while. Willie and I have realized that over the pasted 15 months we have only lived in the same house for 3 months. It's crazy because I didn't think it was only 3 months. Im grateful I am able to speak to Willie on a regular basis.

I'm sad about possibly leaving my ward. They have been so good to us and Im getting the hang of teaching my primary class. They are mostly listening to me and they are even participating with asking questions and answering questions and I have finally figured out what works and what doesnt. It's been great being their primary teacher. Who knows, perhaps we will get lucky and end up staying in this area for a little bit longer. I know all will be well and we will be where we need to be.


MiriamR said...

Man we are moving too, don't know where yet though :( I hope all goes well on the house hunt. I got all my christmas put away but the cleaning seems to be taking me forever! Good job getting it done.

MoBo said...

How EXCITING! everything! Yeah, the Gospel is Great that way, there are always people that will care about you wherever you go! great times. I have found that when you start to get the hang of something, you get called to something else hoohoo

Great Playlist by the by!