I am so excited for Christmas. We received Christmas cards today. We loved it. The kids had their own cards and they felt special. We had a lazy day yesterday but today it was full and lots of fun. Mana's primary teacher had set up a lunch date for all the kids in his class. They had lots of fun playing with each other. They also received little gifts from their teacher.
We did a lot of cleaning this morning. The kids room and bathroom are all cleaned up and ready for Christmas. The kids did a great job helping with cleaning. They were wonderful. It truly helps me when the kids do their part. It makes cleaning a lot easier and cleaning time gets cut by a lot.
After lunch the kids were invited to one of Mana's friends house to play. This was actually perfect timing. My visiting teachers came by and I was able to have some quiet time with my visiting teachers which was really nice. We were invited to stay for dinner at Mana's friends house and it was so yummy. The kids had some noodles and the adults had quiche. Now the kids were offered quiche but not many of them ate it. So now I'm thinking I'll try making some quiche because it was so good.
I have to say the house we visited was so awesome. It was huge and very open. It was one of those dream houses that you think,hmmmmmmmm this is what I would buy if money was no object hahahaha. It was very pretty.
I like going to other people's homes and seeing what they have done to decorate and such. It gives me ideas on what I like and what I don't like.
Oh and while today was great and lots of fun. I ended up hurting my back some how. I really didn't do anything too strenuous but nonetheless, I hurt my back. It's funny how things work out that way. Im pretty much all better from my month long cold/flu, whatever you want to call it then I go hurt my back hahahaha. Oh WHALE!! hahahaha.
Oh and then someone told me today that epidurals eventually affect/effect your back. It weakens the discs somehow. I thought that was scary but I don't know if there is any truth to it.
That's it.
Endure to the end we must, for our goal is eternal life in the presence of our Father in Heaven. ~President Thomas S. Monson~
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
After the sickness comes the OCD clean freak...
OK so I don't know about anyone else, but when Im sick I generally don't clean. I do put dishes in dishwasher and wipe counters etc, laundry when clean clothes are needed. However I don't do my regular cleaning. So today I felt better. Usually after I am sick I want to clean.
Today I looked at my carpet and just wanted to scream. I have white carpet. (Dont ask me why anyone would put white carpet in apartment complexes.) I have tried to keep the carpets clean but it's almost impossible. So I took out my vacuum and carpet cleaner.
It was such a release cleaning the carpets. I did have to refill quite a few times (refill the water) but I kept using the sprayer hahahaha. I guess I got a little trigger happy. Just watching all the spots and pieces of whatever the kids put on the floor, disappear was a wonderful feeling. I'm so excited. I want a complete cleaning of my house before Christmas comes. That will be such a great relief and relaxer for me to know everything is clean. Also it gives me an opportunity to see what things need to be donated or stored.
Oh and I almost forgot. I don't know how, but it slipped my mind for just a moment. It seems someone has chosen to give my family the opportunity to participate in 12 days of Christmas. There was a knock on my door at 9pm last night. I have to say I was worried because I looked out my peep hole and saw no one. I am very cautious with those sorts of things. I opened the door and there was a gift bag with 3 oranges in them and a little story. I have to say I felt so excited and appreciative that we were even thought of. I read the story and realized that they had put 3 oranges in the gift bag, so that each one of us could have an orange. It may be hard to understand but that touched my heart. It let me know that we are loved and cared for. It was a great moment.
I too started the tradition of the Santas and the shoe. I spoke with the children last night and told them the story of the santas and their mamma. They are intrigued and a little worried that a santa can come into the home while they are sleeping. I must admit it is scary hahahaha. They received chocolate hahahaha. They were so excited this morning. I need to get more creative and not just give them candy hahahaha.
We also had our ward Christmas party on Saturday. It was a dinner. I had volunteered to help with the Childrens Nativity re-enactment but somehow became in charge on saturday night. That was a bit annoying but I was happy when it was all done. People enjoyed it, we had ample children ready to take part and the spirit was there. What more can you ask for?
Oh and I was still feeling crappy on saturday and I guess I looked that way at the christmas party hahahaha. I was asked if I wanted sunday off from teaching my class. I said I would be fine. On sunday I left church after my class was done because I was still a blundering mess. Mana got to stay for all of church because someone offered to take him home. I am just loving my ward more and more I have to say. There is so much love and service. Everyone seems to try to help in whatever way they can. I think that is great.
Victoria was very upset she didn't get to stay at church hahahaha. She went into the primary room asking for Mana so we could go home. hahahaha She makes me laugh. She is always so concerned about her brother and what he is doing. Then again I think she wanted him to leave especially if she had to.
I think thats enough for now.
Today I looked at my carpet and just wanted to scream. I have white carpet. (Dont ask me why anyone would put white carpet in apartment complexes.) I have tried to keep the carpets clean but it's almost impossible. So I took out my vacuum and carpet cleaner.
It was such a release cleaning the carpets. I did have to refill quite a few times (refill the water) but I kept using the sprayer hahahaha. I guess I got a little trigger happy. Just watching all the spots and pieces of whatever the kids put on the floor, disappear was a wonderful feeling. I'm so excited. I want a complete cleaning of my house before Christmas comes. That will be such a great relief and relaxer for me to know everything is clean. Also it gives me an opportunity to see what things need to be donated or stored.
Oh and I almost forgot. I don't know how, but it slipped my mind for just a moment. It seems someone has chosen to give my family the opportunity to participate in 12 days of Christmas. There was a knock on my door at 9pm last night. I have to say I was worried because I looked out my peep hole and saw no one. I am very cautious with those sorts of things. I opened the door and there was a gift bag with 3 oranges in them and a little story. I have to say I felt so excited and appreciative that we were even thought of. I read the story and realized that they had put 3 oranges in the gift bag, so that each one of us could have an orange. It may be hard to understand but that touched my heart. It let me know that we are loved and cared for. It was a great moment.
I too started the tradition of the Santas and the shoe. I spoke with the children last night and told them the story of the santas and their mamma. They are intrigued and a little worried that a santa can come into the home while they are sleeping. I must admit it is scary hahahaha. They received chocolate hahahaha. They were so excited this morning. I need to get more creative and not just give them candy hahahaha.
We also had our ward Christmas party on Saturday. It was a dinner. I had volunteered to help with the Childrens Nativity re-enactment but somehow became in charge on saturday night. That was a bit annoying but I was happy when it was all done. People enjoyed it, we had ample children ready to take part and the spirit was there. What more can you ask for?
Oh and I was still feeling crappy on saturday and I guess I looked that way at the christmas party hahahaha. I was asked if I wanted sunday off from teaching my class. I said I would be fine. On sunday I left church after my class was done because I was still a blundering mess. Mana got to stay for all of church because someone offered to take him home. I am just loving my ward more and more I have to say. There is so much love and service. Everyone seems to try to help in whatever way they can. I think that is great.
Victoria was very upset she didn't get to stay at church hahahaha. She went into the primary room asking for Mana so we could go home. hahahaha She makes me laugh. She is always so concerned about her brother and what he is doing. Then again I think she wanted him to leave especially if she had to.
I think thats enough for now.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Some recent Pics.
Ok so most of these are of Victoria because lets face it I'm with her during the day.

Victoria mashing the potatoes we made for Thanksgiving. She loves to smell, taste and make all things relating to food. Hmmm I wonder if this will continue throughout her life?
Victoria went to a princess themed birthday party and they had different areas with different crafts and activities were going on. Here she is getting her nails painted. Yes I don't have a problem with nail polish. Sometimes we have "girl" time where she and I manicure and paint our nails. It's a fun time you should all try it hahaha.

This may look familiar. Victoria wore her Halloween costume for the princess party. She went as a fairy princess hahaha. She got her face painted and glitter in her hair and some other stuff too. She had a great time. There were like 20 girls at the party. I wouldn't be able to have a party with that many kids hahahaha.

Victoria in her Chamora tupenu hahaha. I did put the top on her but she didn't like that it was too small hahahaha.

Here are some of my Christmas Decor. I love my Islenskt Jolasveinn, well this is my version hahahaha.

Oh some more Christmas decor. I just found them.

Victoria was at playgroup and she decided to put this head piece on hahahhaa.

Here's Mana waiting to eat at a restaurant.
Victoria mashing the potatoes we made for Thanksgiving. She loves to smell, taste and make all things relating to food. Hmmm I wonder if this will continue throughout her life?
Victoria went to a princess themed birthday party and they had different areas with different crafts and activities were going on. Here she is getting her nails painted. Yes I don't have a problem with nail polish. Sometimes we have "girl" time where she and I manicure and paint our nails. It's a fun time you should all try it hahaha.
This may look familiar. Victoria wore her Halloween costume for the princess party. She went as a fairy princess hahaha. She got her face painted and glitter in her hair and some other stuff too. She had a great time. There were like 20 girls at the party. I wouldn't be able to have a party with that many kids hahahaha.
Victoria in her Chamora tupenu hahaha. I did put the top on her but she didn't like that it was too small hahahaha.
Here are some of my Christmas Decor. I love my Islenskt Jolasveinn, well this is my version hahahaha.
Oh some more Christmas decor. I just found them.
Victoria was at playgroup and she decided to put this head piece on hahahhaa.
Here's Mana waiting to eat at a restaurant.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sickness and such nonsense.
So I've been sick for almost 2 weeks. It started off as a cough and a heavy feeling in my chest. So that was until a couple of days ago. Then I had a very sore throat in the morning time but by the afternoon it would be better. I also started to have a runny nose. I thought ok no big deal just carry tissues and hand sanitizer and wash my hands. Well I did a really great job of washing my hands. So much washing that my hands started to crack and hurt. Well today I have felt achy and run down. I took 2 naps. So Victoria and I drank lots of hot cocoa and oatmeal. We also had popcorn to go with the movies Victoria chose to watch. Today Victoria was so good. She did everything I asked her to do without a single snicker. She is great. I love when the kids are so sweet and thoughtful like bringing a blanket or pillow to you just because they think you might need it. So today we watched spiderman and big momma's house 2. They are some of Victoria's favorites. She's a funny kid.
Apparently there are tons of kids that have behavioral problems at school or something because teachers and even his tutors have specific pointed out that he is well behaved. It's strange. It makes me proud that he does treat his teachers with respect. Oh and it's doesn't really snow here. Not in this part of NC. If it snows even a little bit everything is closed. It does get chilly but it's nice to be able to bundle up.
Oh and I love the Star Gate series hahaha. Im a total scifi geek hahahaha. I love it. Oh and does anyone have Maliana's address? Could someone email it to me. Thanks.
Apparently there are tons of kids that have behavioral problems at school or something because teachers and even his tutors have specific pointed out that he is well behaved. It's strange. It makes me proud that he does treat his teachers with respect. Oh and it's doesn't really snow here. Not in this part of NC. If it snows even a little bit everything is closed. It does get chilly but it's nice to be able to bundle up.
Oh and I love the Star Gate series hahaha. Im a total scifi geek hahahaha. I love it. Oh and does anyone have Maliana's address? Could someone email it to me. Thanks.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Mana's Progress
I got a progress report from Mana's school and it shows he is getting A's for Math, social science and science and a C for Language arts. Willie and I are so proud of him. He is working really hard and his teacher and tutors are so great and awesome. I just love them. We have been so blessed and my prayers have been answered by these wonderful people who decide to teacher and really show love for the kids. He has brought home many papers with scores of 90 and 100 which makes him feel so proud of himself. The fridge is full of his work. I hope he continues to do well.
He volunteered to read a scripture and say the closing prayer for sharing time yesterday and that was great for me. I got to see him do that and it made me even more grateful to be in the primary. Next month Victoria will join him in Primary, although they will be in different primary (Victoria junior, Mana senior) but still in primary. Im curious to see if I will continue to teach the same kids or if I will teach a new class.
Willie is doing ok. He did get a little sick with a cold but he has gotten better. He says its very cold there now. Thankfully I packed his gear hahahaha. I put his beanie, gloves and mouth/face protector from coldness thingy, in his container. Otherwise he would be really really cold hahahaha. He didn't think he would need it. Actually he did say how cold it was and I asked about his warm gear and he was like "what warm gear?" hahahaha so he got a nice treat by finding his warm gear hahahha.
There was a double baptism yesterday and we went to it. Mana was excited to see how a person is baptized. Victoria came up to me later and said "Mamma the kid went under the water!" I told her, "Yes that's what happens when you get baptized" she wasnt too sure about the whole thing hahahaha.
I have hometeachers now and Im so excited!! They will come by next sunday. It's a comforting feeling to know I have them. We have a man in our ward who is Army. He is a pyschologist. He will be going to Willie's area soon and he asked me if there was anything I needed for him to give Willie for me. I told him to visit with him if he could and just let him know who he is. It truly is amazing how small the world is and how the Lord works. Oh and it's 8 weeks until Willie comes home. Yay.
He volunteered to read a scripture and say the closing prayer for sharing time yesterday and that was great for me. I got to see him do that and it made me even more grateful to be in the primary. Next month Victoria will join him in Primary, although they will be in different primary (Victoria junior, Mana senior) but still in primary. Im curious to see if I will continue to teach the same kids or if I will teach a new class.
Willie is doing ok. He did get a little sick with a cold but he has gotten better. He says its very cold there now. Thankfully I packed his gear hahahaha. I put his beanie, gloves and mouth/face protector from coldness thingy, in his container. Otherwise he would be really really cold hahahaha. He didn't think he would need it. Actually he did say how cold it was and I asked about his warm gear and he was like "what warm gear?" hahahaha so he got a nice treat by finding his warm gear hahahha.
There was a double baptism yesterday and we went to it. Mana was excited to see how a person is baptized. Victoria came up to me later and said "Mamma the kid went under the water!" I told her, "Yes that's what happens when you get baptized" she wasnt too sure about the whole thing hahahaha.
I have hometeachers now and Im so excited!! They will come by next sunday. It's a comforting feeling to know I have them. We have a man in our ward who is Army. He is a pyschologist. He will be going to Willie's area soon and he asked me if there was anything I needed for him to give Willie for me. I told him to visit with him if he could and just let him know who he is. It truly is amazing how small the world is and how the Lord works. Oh and it's 8 weeks until Willie comes home. Yay.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Today I am sad. I think I have finally been hit with the realization of Willie not being here. We just continue life as normal. I already wonder what it will be like to have Willie home again and if things will be different because of his absence. It's just annoying how I feel. Willie and I have truly been alone with our family. We haven't had Christmas or other holidays (accept once) with our extended family. So with him being gone it's just very hard. I wish family was closer. Anyway today I am annoyed with being disconnected.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Busy week.
It's only Thursday, not quite the end of the week but it's already been filled with lots of stuff. I won't go into details but it's been busy. We did have our RS Christmas program tonight and it was so great. There was a lovely program with beautiful music sung by two very talented sisters. The song was Mary's Lullaby and I just love that song. It's just so special. Then we had fabulous curry chicken and rice with homemade bread rolls. We also had fruit salad and a delicious dessert made with brownies, chocolate pudding, whipped cream and crushed up butterfingers. So yummy. We then did a cookie exchange and a white elephant gift exchange. It was so fun and I got an awesome gift hahahaa. They also had some of the Priesthood holders watch the kids. It was just a great night of RS sisters getting together and enjoying one another's company.
Mana got his progress report card today and he is don't so well. He is steadily getting there. Im so proud of him and his hard work. I really think the tutoring is paying off. I have gotten some weird expressions from people when I tell them how long Mana is in school for most of the week. I don't care!! This is helping him and I would rather him playing outside, getting help he needs and meeting new kids than struggling with school work, and having kids tease him on the bus. He has asked me not to have him ride the bus at all. I drive him to school (more to let him sleep an hour longer in the morning) and I pick him up after tutoring. On Friday afternoons are the only days he doesnt ride the bus, but I wait for him at the bus stop in case he has an issue with one of the kids and we can deal with it then and there.
All in all he is very happy with tutoring and even though he has long school days he still comes home with a smile on his face.
Oh and Victoria is turning four in a month. I can't believe she is almost four. I can tell she is almost four. She looks older, behaves older and is getting taller.
Enough Of that. I will probably get on tomorrow since I do have more stuff jumping around in my head.
Oh please submit your ideas on what fun things there are to do during the holidays. Mana will have 2 weeks off from school and I want to do some fun stuff. Im thinking of going to Myrtle beach. But I dont know.
Mana got his progress report card today and he is don't so well. He is steadily getting there. Im so proud of him and his hard work. I really think the tutoring is paying off. I have gotten some weird expressions from people when I tell them how long Mana is in school for most of the week. I don't care!! This is helping him and I would rather him playing outside, getting help he needs and meeting new kids than struggling with school work, and having kids tease him on the bus. He has asked me not to have him ride the bus at all. I drive him to school (more to let him sleep an hour longer in the morning) and I pick him up after tutoring. On Friday afternoons are the only days he doesnt ride the bus, but I wait for him at the bus stop in case he has an issue with one of the kids and we can deal with it then and there.
All in all he is very happy with tutoring and even though he has long school days he still comes home with a smile on his face.
Oh and Victoria is turning four in a month. I can't believe she is almost four. I can tell she is almost four. She looks older, behaves older and is getting taller.
Enough Of that. I will probably get on tomorrow since I do have more stuff jumping around in my head.
Oh please submit your ideas on what fun things there are to do during the holidays. Mana will have 2 weeks off from school and I want to do some fun stuff. Im thinking of going to Myrtle beach. But I dont know.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Some good things happening....then not so good.
We have finally gotten out of credit card debt. Well this occurred a little over a week ago. It was great. We felt like we were on the right track and actually starting to see progress...great progress. So Willie decided he should check his credit report and get his score so he can see where he stands. Well he didn't have a score. One of the credit card companies had declared him as deceased so now he doesn't have a score. We are trying to get this resolved and it's not going very well. So as it is right now we are saving for a house and have regular bills to pay for. I've been frustrated with the situation but I have really thought more about what I need to learn about myself through this situation. I'm reading this book called Finding faith in the desert. It's really great and the guy's perspective and main thought is what the Lord wants him or needs him to learn. He is so humble. It's great. I have to admit I have gotten teary eyed at parts. He is an LDS Army Chaplain who shares his experiences he had during his deployments in Iraq. It really is inspirational.
I had one of those days where Im SO thankful for the husband I have, the kids I have and just my life in general. I really am blessed with great people in my life. I think it's good to have those days where you realize that things aren't as bad as you think they might be. Like I think my kids never listen to me and then I see that they do listen to me for the most part, they just have moments where they dont want to. Just like all of us right?
It's nine weeks until Willie comes home. We are down to single didgets Yay!!
Oh I didn't take any Thanksgiving pics but I did cook a nice spread. Even though a lot of it is still leftover. It was great fun and the next day I cleaned out my garage and took out the christmas decorations. We set them all up and the kids loved it. It's great to have them both enjoy every moment and to help. We talked a lot about why we have Christmas and what we should do in our lives to honor Jesus Christ by living our lives the best way we know how. They are both so excited for Christmas and all the wonderful programs and devotionals we will be participating in. What a wonderful time!
I had one of those days where Im SO thankful for the husband I have, the kids I have and just my life in general. I really am blessed with great people in my life. I think it's good to have those days where you realize that things aren't as bad as you think they might be. Like I think my kids never listen to me and then I see that they do listen to me for the most part, they just have moments where they dont want to. Just like all of us right?
It's nine weeks until Willie comes home. We are down to single didgets Yay!!
Oh I didn't take any Thanksgiving pics but I did cook a nice spread. Even though a lot of it is still leftover. It was great fun and the next day I cleaned out my garage and took out the christmas decorations. We set them all up and the kids loved it. It's great to have them both enjoy every moment and to help. We talked a lot about why we have Christmas and what we should do in our lives to honor Jesus Christ by living our lives the best way we know how. They are both so excited for Christmas and all the wonderful programs and devotionals we will be participating in. What a wonderful time!
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