Monday, December 14, 2009

After the sickness comes the OCD clean freak...

OK so I don't know about anyone else, but when Im sick I generally don't clean. I do put dishes in dishwasher and wipe counters etc, laundry when clean clothes are needed. However I don't do my regular cleaning. So today I felt better. Usually after I am sick I want to clean.

Today I looked at my carpet and just wanted to scream. I have white carpet. (Dont ask me why anyone would put white carpet in apartment complexes.) I have tried to keep the carpets clean but it's almost impossible. So I took out my vacuum and carpet cleaner.

It was such a release cleaning the carpets. I did have to refill quite a few times (refill the water) but I kept using the sprayer hahahaha. I guess I got a little trigger happy. Just watching all the spots and pieces of whatever the kids put on the floor, disappear was a wonderful feeling. I'm so excited. I want a complete cleaning of my house before Christmas comes. That will be such a great relief and relaxer for me to know everything is clean. Also it gives me an opportunity to see what things need to be donated or stored.

Oh and I almost forgot. I don't know how, but it slipped my mind for just a moment. It seems someone has chosen to give my family the opportunity to participate in 12 days of Christmas. There was a knock on my door at 9pm last night. I have to say I was worried because I looked out my peep hole and saw no one. I am very cautious with those sorts of things. I opened the door and there was a gift bag with 3 oranges in them and a little story. I have to say I felt so excited and appreciative that we were even thought of. I read the story and realized that they had put 3 oranges in the gift bag, so that each one of us could have an orange. It may be hard to understand but that touched my heart. It let me know that we are loved and cared for. It was a great moment.

I too started the tradition of the Santas and the shoe. I spoke with the children last night and told them the story of the santas and their mamma. They are intrigued and a little worried that a santa can come into the home while they are sleeping. I must admit it is scary hahahaha. They received chocolate hahahaha. They were so excited this morning. I need to get more creative and not just give them candy hahahaha.

We also had our ward Christmas party on Saturday. It was a dinner. I had volunteered to help with the Childrens Nativity re-enactment but somehow became in charge on saturday night. That was a bit annoying but I was happy when it was all done. People enjoyed it, we had ample children ready to take part and the spirit was there. What more can you ask for?

Oh and I was still feeling crappy on saturday and I guess I looked that way at the christmas party hahahaha. I was asked if I wanted sunday off from teaching my class. I said I would be fine. On sunday I left church after my class was done because I was still a blundering mess. Mana got to stay for all of church because someone offered to take him home. I am just loving my ward more and more I have to say. There is so much love and service. Everyone seems to try to help in whatever way they can. I think that is great.
Victoria was very upset she didn't get to stay at church hahahaha. She went into the primary room asking for Mana so we could go home. hahahaha She makes me laugh. She is always so concerned about her brother and what he is doing. Then again I think she wanted him to leave especially if she had to.

I think thats enough for now.


MiriamR said...

that is so cute of Victoria. It sounds like you guys have done some much fun christmas and spiritual christmas stuff! I have never done a twelve days of christmas what is it? I can't believe you guys did a nativity thing so COOL. Our ward hasn't done anything like that. I miss seeing those. Anyway santa brought playdoe this morning ha ha it seems that my santa brings things that the kids will ruin that day.

Anonymous said...


Good one on After the sickness comes the OCD clean freak.I recently found out 1 million children are accidentally poisoned in their homes each year.And also I did find the toxins we use in our home here think it's time we all know about the toxins we use.


MoBo said...

Scary! konan er skritid hahahhaha no offence! hahahah I love this Post! you sound so Great! I love your ward too, seems like you are always getting things when you need them, So Great! I think its super awesome that your kids are mindful that it is not good or safe that a strange man can get into their locked house hahahah

I may be wrong but my memory told me that when i was younger we used to leave the window open a crack so that the jolasveinnar(haha I dont know english grammer(or spelling), so my Icelandic is worse hahaha) could reach our shoes; I remember waking up and running to the window, and it being chilly because the window was open, I also remember worrying that the christmas boys/lads(jola sveinn) couldnt reach my shoe because there was a window screen thing, so i made a hole in it HAHAHA Thats Right! The hole Was Me! hahahahah sorry mamma hahahah

Mary B. said...

I have never done a twelve days of christmas what is it? I can't believe you guys did a nativity thing so COOL. Our ward hasn't done anything like that. I miss seeing those.